Risk RED Areas of Expertise
Risk RED Directors and Team Members offer expertise encompassing the following core areas:
Educational and Curriculum Materials Development, Exchange, and Evaluation
Risk RED develops educational materials with a focus on adults (the general public), children, and schools. Risk RED is an active member of the Hyogo Framework for Action, Knowledge and Education Platform, assisting in the collection of materials for the UNESCO and ISDR physical libraries for disaster risk reduction education, and supporting development of the Global Online Library for Disaster Risk Reduction Education.For details, see Risk RED's School Safety and Educational Material.
Research Briefs and Policy Briefs, Literature Reviews, and Publications
Research and policy briefs and literature reviews are developed to bridge the gaps amongst different sectors and to link knowledge and action. These are designed to provide field workers and decision-makers with a rapid overview of research findings and links to key resources and are customized to meet client needs. Examples:-
"Risk RED Bulletin". 2007. October 2007: Communities of Practice (151 kb in PDF).
"Risk RED Bulletin". 2008. May 2008: Guidelines for Development of Disaster Risk Reduction Public Educational Materials (67 kb in PDF), with thanks to Balaka Dey, Ilan Kelman, Bishnu Pandey, Zeynep Turkmen, and Ben Wisner.
Leadership Development and Support for Field Practitioners and Researchers in Risk Communications
Risk RED provides guidance and editing assistance for researchers and practitioners writing research briefs and case studies. For examples of research-based policy briefs from the ProVention Consortium's Applied Research Grants for Disaster Risk Reduction, see the Young Researcher Project Briefs.
Research and Strategy Development to Link Knowledge and Action
Risk RED consults in program review and strategic planning to strengthen education, training, and leadership development programs.
Consultation and Training in Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction
Team Members and Associates are leading international consultants providing hands-on process guidance and training in core competency areas for developing, testing, and maintaining community-based disaster risk reduction programs. For example:
Petal, M. and Z. Turkmen. 2007. Disaster Resiliency for Community and Professional Responders: Participant Workbook, Developed with support from the Simon Foundation, full text (633 kb in pdf).
DREAMS: Disaster Risk Educational Materials Content Management System
The DREAMS Project is being developed to allow high quality educational materials to be shared, translated, adapted, and impact-tested, in order to scale up for wide dissemination of consistent disaster risk reduction messages to different audiences. The information architecture for DREAMS will be a dynamic, multi-lingual, multi-regional, multi-media content management database and related style sheets through which 'camera-ready' end-products can be made available for physical and electronic distribution and for adaptation for local cultures and purposes. Download the full DREAMS Concept Paper (68 kb in pdf) and the report from the implementation in Turkey (2,081 kb in pdf).