Risk RED in the News
UNICEF Podcast, 9 May 2011, Risk RED Co-director (at the time) Marla Petal and Risk RED Advisory Board Member Ben Wisner discuss "The role of education in protecting children when disaster strikes": Read and listen.
Travel Channel, 13 April 2011, Risk RED Co-director (at the time) Marla Petal advises on travel "Tips for Earthquake and Tsunami Preparedness": Read the article.
YouTube with the World Bank, 31 January 2011, Risk RED Co-director (at the time) Marla Petal is featured for "Making Schools Safer from Disasters: Global Initiatives to Scale-up Comprehensive School Safety": Watch the video.
DotEarth New York Times blog, 2 March 2010, Risk RED is highlighted in Andy Revkin's New York Times blog on being ready for disaster: Read the blog.
The Earthquake Avenger, 22 May 2009, Risk RED Co-director (at the time) Marla Petal is featured in MORE Magazine: read the article and Marla's earthquake numbers.