Education Materials
School Safety and Educational Material
Risk RED develops educational materials with a focus on adults (the general public), children, and schools. Some specific work to which Risk RED has contributed:
Activities for adults and children related to disaster preparedness:
"Go-Bag" Scavenger Hunt for children aged 6-12 (164 kb in pdf) and "Go-Bag" International Display for all ages (171 kb in pdf).
IFC. 2010. Disaster and Emergency Preparedness: Activity Guide for K to 6th Grade Teachers. IFC (International Finance Corporation) World Bank Group, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., full text (1,210 kb in pdf)
IFC. 2010. Disaster and Emergency Preparedness: Guidance for Schools. IFC (International Finance Corporation) World Bank Group, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., full text (1,308 kb in pdf)
ShakeOut: Public earthquake safety exercise, 2008 Southern California Full Report (578 kb in PDF) and 2008 Southern California Summary (37 kb IN PDF).
Tackling disaster myths, such as by promoting The Need for an Evidence-Basis for Earthquake Survival Tips (109 kb in pdf).
Publications, including:
Disaster Prevention - A Safe Foundation for Full Inclusion (180 kb in pdf).
Disaster Risk Reduction Tools for Humanitarian Action and Development in the Education Sector (975 kb in pdf).
"Mother Slide Show", case study template, and advocacy resources developed for the Coalition for Global School Safety & Disaster Prevention Education. The case studies are collaborative efforts with content partners who localize the materials. You are invited to use the template to create your own local version.
School Disaster Reduction and Readiness Checklist: English (137 kb in pdf) and Chinese (190 kb in pdf), with thanks to Sanjaya Bhatia, Patrizia Bitter, Balaka Dey, Rebekah Green, Yasamin Izadkhah, Anup Karanth, Ilan Kelman, Bishnu Pandey, Marla Petal, Zeynep Turkmen, and Suha Ulgen.
School Disaster Response Drill – Model and Templates (300 kb in pdf).
Draft Design Training Workshop on School Community Safety (9 kb in pdf).
ActionAid Nepal's School Safety Approach and the Scaling Up Strategy (443 kb in pdf).
Kelman, I. (ed.). 2007. "Earthquake Safety of Schoolchildren". Special issue of Regional Development Dialogue, vol. 28, no. 2. Includes contributions from Risk RED people Ben Wisner, Bishnu Pandey, Djillali Benouar, Manu Gupta, Marla Petal, Nevra Ertürk, Rebekah Green, Sanjaya Bhatia, and Yasamin Izadkhah plus with thanks to Allan Lavell. Download the table of contents (124 kb in PDF).
Petal, M. and Z. Türkmen. 2007. Disaster Resiliency for Community and Professional Responders: Participant Workbook, Developed with support from the Simon Foundation, full text (633 kb in pdf).
Websites, including:

A shake table demonstration for Earthquake Safety Day 2007 in Nepal. The house on the left was built without seismic resistance measures. The house on the right included low-cost seismic resistance measures. Photograph courtesy of and copyright by NSET, Nepal.